Creator, thinker.
Smart contracts art and NFT experiments.
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0xG is an innovative creator dedicated to advancing blockchain technology and art on blockchain through the development of new token-types and remarkable dynamic creations.
Their creations range from purely visual and minimalist pieces to reflective or conceptual works that make statements about the crypto world, both in art and other areas. Many of their creations use smart contracts—programs that live in the blockchain and that are used to create programmable and dynamic art.
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🎧 AI podcast on 0xG and their work
Apparently a scammer thought it was a great idea to impersonate 0xG and make a coin on pump.fun, including associating 0xG pfp to it. Do not buy anything, it is a scam.
0xG did NOT and will NEVER make or authorize a coin and condemns this stuff.
A 3D dynamic space that can change or expand to host 0xG releases, exhibitions or experiences.
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Once a Human, Coming Soon
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Contact, Nov 2024
"Contact" is a conceptual artwork in the form of a smart contract—a blockchain program that records a conversation between the program’s owner (the collector) and a hypothetical... read more[+]
advanced alien intelligence. Each participant takes turns writing messages that are permanently stored on the Ethereum blockchain.
On the blockchain, identities are represented by unique addresses. Each user has an address, and to verify ownership, they also have a private key, which must remain secret. This private key allows them to sign messages, proving their identity and control over the address.
The address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 is unique because it isn’t owned by anyone. The concept suggests that an advanced intelligence, with technology far beyond ours, might be able to uncover the private key for this address and use it to send a message.
This artwork doesn’t dictate a specific visual for the exchange; instead, it hints at a conversation where messages can be displayed in custom fonts with decorative symbols, rather than standard Latin characters. This emphasizes how humans tend to expect art—or even alien communication—to conform to familiar forms, while this piece invites us to embrace the unknown and broaden our perspective.
"Contact" was submitted as an out of competition work to "CONTACT ATTEMPT – the 50th Anniversary of the Arecibo Message" organized by the Herbert W. Franke Fundation which recognised it a “special award”.
Unlike, Sep 2024
“Unlike” is 0xG's first artwork on the art-centric social network @rodeodotclub.
Unlike other posts, it cannot be minted by collectors, but 0xG forged 36526 editions of it.
For the next 100 years, the work can be unliked once a day at – a burn a day. The last person to unlike (burn) it will acquire it as a 1/1.
By introducing the idea of unliking (via burning), 0xG wants to invert the common engagement model.
Instead of accumulating approval, they invite the audience to participate in a process of deliberate reduction that ultimately will set the 1/1 (metaphorically us) free.
Finally in true social network fashion, the ‘unlikes’ are always available for purchase [info].
→ Interact and Unlike it today
Unseen, Jun 2024
"Unseen" is a dynamic artwork that 0xG created on KARBORN and SHL0MS' MOON:BEAM collection — the first ERC7160 on Base.
Photography of asphalt surfaces under the hot sun, hide unique artworks that are revealed when the collector goes offline—a metaphorical digital eclipse.
Unseen draws a parallel between sun/eclipse and online/offline experiences. With online generally being the permanent state nowadays, its mechanism represents an opportunity to disconnect and zoom out.
→ View on OpenSea (open individual work and go offline)
Actus Essendi, Feb 2024
Physical On-chain 1/1s
The project draws from Thomas Aquinas' metaphysical concept of Actus Essendi, which distinguishes between an entity's essence (its nature) and existence (its actual being). 0xG relates this theory to generative art algorithms, where the essence is symbolized by the inherent nature of the artwork, and the static output, an image, embodies the reality and individuality of Actus Essendi.
Each piece in this collection features a physical print on glossy aluminum, accompanied by a redeemable NFT of the generative visual.
This collection takes a physical-first approach, with each print serving as a tangible snapshot of an on-chain generative visual that transforms at every resolution.
0xG's wallet signature on the back of each print allows collectors to transform the NFT's dynamic art into the static visual from their print, inviting them to explore the same philosophical questions.
🎧 Highly recommend to listen to the short AI generated explainer
🎧 Listen to the Space on X.com
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In this artwork I put the description in the title, the visual in the description and the title in the image field., Dec 2023
The description: imagine as data url
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Everything, Mar 2023
1/1 Ordinal
0:00 / 0:00 on-chain MP4 Ordinal inscribed onto the bitcoin blockchain.
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The Reveal, Jul 2023

1/1 Perpetual
“The Reveal” is an artwork that delves into the realm of human anticipation and speculation, distinctive characteristic of the cryptoart market.
Presented through a blind auction, “The Reveal” defies conventional expectations. The winning bidder unlocks a surprising revelation tied to the artwork's speculative nature, acquiring it for free. This unconventional approach challenges traditional notions of value and transaction.
The visual Reveal? Soon.
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ERC7160 - Multi-Metadata NFT Standard, Jun 2023
Created and co-authored a standard for a multi-metadata token which allows creators to associate multiple URIs with a single token.
Some example use cases are listed below:
- A token represents a collection of (cycling) assets with individual metadata
- An on-chain history of revisions to token metadata
- Appending metadata with different aspect ratios so that it can be displayed properly on all screens
- Dynamic and evolving metadata
- Collaborative and multi-artist tokens
Marco Peyfuss, co-founder of TransientLabs, is co-author of this proposal.
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Get Rich, May 2023
All it takes is one click.
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Degentralized Finance, Apr 2023

"Degentralized Finance" is a unique digital artwork consisting of a single Non-Fungible Token that holds a single $PEPE coin. The owner of the artwork has the option to either keep the NFT or burn it to receive one $PEPE.
The artwork's statement implies that both the NFT and the $PEPE might or might not be deemed to be worthless: a symbolic gamble.
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•duality, Feb 2023

A statement on art, its financialization, and royalties.
Art should not be confined by speculation. Hence, •duality tokens were free to mint, carry 0% royalties, and are transferable between wallets.
On the other hand any attempt to view •duality tokens as transactional assets will be unsuccessful; non-custodial marketplaces and operators cannot move them to finalize a sale.
To unlock and sell the •duality token, traders must pay 0.5Ξ upfront – an enforced royalty.
Token #1 was airdropped to the top Blur.io trader.
0xG wants to leave you with an interesting interpretation of the art:
This is a statement about duality of purpose.For a time, two entities run alongside each other, in parallel. They seemingly share a direction.But, do the contrasting hues represent a difference of intent? And, is the grey path bound to the white?— NonFungii
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N., Dec 2022

Back in November 2022 0xG anticipated that open editions would be flooding the market so they created one that never ends but can't be owned past the next mint.
An infinite edition – an ephemeral creation that exists only until the next one is minted.
The contract remembers the collector's token id that was burnt.
The collector is effectively left with a soulbound Non-Fungible Token stripped out of a visual and economic incentives.
N. is a fake ERC721 that misleads marketplaces by making them think that it supports the ERC721 standard. Furthermore the contract uses events to deceive markeplaces and make them think that tokens are being burnt and minted.
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Y., Feb 2023

Y. is the closing act of N.
Y. is about connections, individualism vs collectivism, MANY vs one, objective vs subject.
During NFT Paris 2023 a number of collectors and strangers connected and shared the free mint experience.
24 on-chain unique frames, each with a different connecting line length from none to full.
All the 24 Y. artworks are standalone, finished one of ones. However the artwork mechanism allows to combine them – a very unlikely event that would require unanimous agreement and consensus.
“This piece holds sentimental value for me as a shard. Sometimes there is beauty in the imperfect, the unfinished.” – Y. #4's owner
When combined, the 24 tokens become a single animated on-chain artwork and the contract forges the only permanent N., ever.
Will collectors connect and combine the tokens?
Will any individual interest prevail?
Will N. ever exist?
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Paradigm Shift, Oct 2022
Collectors received a signed JPEG which throught steganography carries 0xG's signature – a wallet signature.
Signatures are one of the most important components of blockchain technology and can be verified off and on-chain.
Later it was revealed that the signature in the JPEG is a mint pass. This is the first visual allowlist of its kind and collectors who are in it can then mint the token.
0xG wants to make a clear distinction between the visual-centric creation and blockchain-centric one. The post-mint experience wants to show the power of the blockchain medium and what it enables beyond image tokenization.
Every 31st of October, Paradigm Shift tokens are automatically owned by the Burn Address (0xdEaD). Collectors have 24 hours to decide whether their token should exist and brought back to life else it will be dead and locked for one year.
Therefore the collection's supply is dynamic and different every year.
We can call the alive ones Non-Forgotten Tokens.
Meaning and additional mechanisms in the collection are to be discovered.
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PXC 256, token 1, Oct 2022

PixelChain 256 is an on-chain pixel art project.
Using the PixelChain app, invited creators could draw their 1/1 pixel art which would then be encoded in the token id upon minting.
0xG bypassed the app and minted the token id 1 from the contract, thereby drawing with code and a hack.
Hello 1/1/1
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Perpetual, Sep 2022
A take on editions with an unlock mechanism and a solution to grant collectors full control over the visual updates.
The creator sets the supply for the current and future editions upfront.
Every new edition might come in different size and can only be acquired by burning an unlocked piece from another edition in the same collection.
Every token starts with the artwork that is meant to be collected. The collector has the option to unlock the token to enable burning for a new piece. When unlocked, the token visual changes.
Long term and after several burning events and releases, a Perpetual collection might end up becoming one that is made of 1/1s.
The first edition in the Perpetual collection is called "The Fork in The Road" and was acquired by burning a previous 0xG creation.
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Locked Metadata
Perpetual presents a way to manage token metadata that gives full control to the collector while offering the creator a way to share updates.
When minted, tokens are assigned the metadata url which the creator cannot update. However, the creator can update the master copy in the contract and collectors who wants it can upgrade to the latest version of the metadata.
"The Update" is a 2/2 edition that demonstrates the concept. The creator offered the opportunity to update "The Fork in The Road" for a limited amount of time and two collectors took the update:

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Fearless, collector edition, Sep 2022
“Fearless”, the collector edition, is the first 1/1 in the Perpetual collection.
Fearless is about big price tags on NFTs which is what many people pay attention to.
It would cost 300 ETH to acquire it for free, with the contract refunding the fearless collector within the same minting transaction.
However since even performance art like this can be seen as price manipulation this mechanism was not implemented.
Instead, the contract requires the collector to have a balance of at least 300 ETH in order to be able to mint.
The NFT ended up being minted 2 minutes after the announcement.
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Fearless, Apr 2022

Being a creator in web3 involves having to deal with the fear of being exploited.
Periodically unannounced and intentionally configured privileged commands on 0xG.xyz allow to steal Fearless.
To date there have been two 24h hours events during which the token could have been obtained.
Nobody found the hidden commands and the piece remains not compromised.
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Owned, Apr 2022
The creator bends the rules that govern NFT ownership, crafting an unconventional smart contract that allows owners to lend their tokens.
Three NFTs – with the same visual but a different name to describe the ownership status – show how an NFT might be held by a collector who doesn't own nor can control it.
"Owned" critiques not only the concept of ownership in the NFT space but also the current practice of exhibiting NFT art. Often, these artworks are right-click saved and displayed without the original. Shouldn't exhibitions, museums, and galleries hold the original they are showing? What exactly is being exhibited otherwise?
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Blink, Mar 2022
blink uses a pre-trained machine learning model to detect the collector's blink and pause the visual's animation.
It is a window on a future where machines might get to assess whether we are real or not.
An open edition that will never exist.
Nevertheless, participants had an opportunity to “blink and screenshot it”. The three most appreciated screenshots were minted as NFTs and given to the “spectators”.
Everything happens in a privacy-first manner in the collector's browser. The camera stream never leaves the collector device.
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One item at the time.
At random times.
Mine or not, or alpha.
The key is square.
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Zero, Jan 2022

0xG's first on-chain creation.
Artworks are generated on-chain, with the seed of each visual being the $ASH balance of the minter.
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Feature Parity, Dec 2021

An NFT that works only in some browsers.
Browser vendors' priorities and interests have never been perfectly aligned with each other. The result of this misalignment is a lack of feature parity across web platform implementations which often penalizes both developers and end users.
0xG dreams of a web where vendors work together to build a consistent platform and aim for parallel development and feature parity.
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Find Balance, Feb 2022

Tech mind and mechanism co-creator.
Find Balance is a collaboration with artist and musician Del.
A Dynamic NFT that can transform into different poses of your choice.
The collector can also FUSE two NFT together to create even rarer and more elegant forms. A game of rarity & scarcity with a fusion mechanism, causing every interaction to rebalance the entire collection.
Balance is now the gate for Del’s future work which 0xG is eager to discover with other fellow collectors.
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